Parrot: bird is the friend of mankind, parrot parrot-shaped head that many bright, love birds called. They are in their most beautiful feathers, good language skills, learn the characteristics of people, more people appreciate and love. Purpose of these birds are parrot-shaped, located in the warm, subtropical, tropical broad area. Parrot is a typical climbing birds, on tapered feet, two toes forward two backwards toes for grasping, parrot beak powerful, you can eat nuts. Parrot mainly tropical and subtropical forest Lin Zhongyu color bright fruit-eating birds. Parrot-shaped head with parrots and cockatoos Section Division two subjects are very diverse species, 82 are 358 kinds of birds, one of the largest families.
Mandarin duck: mandarin duck refers to the male, mean female mandarin duck, mandarin duck it is a compound word. Is Anseriformes, ducks. After the spring of Shandong, Hebei, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, northeast and north to the northern and central reproduction; winter in the Yangtze middle and lower reaches and along the southeast coast. The larger the number of clusters winter Chongming Island, Shanghai, east and south of the few sand bars, the group of up to million or more. Guizhou and Yunnan are also part of the duck breeding, etc.. The bird is the famous bird watching. Often appeared in ancient Chinese literature and mythology of the birds.
Galliformes (Galliformes) Phasianidae (Phasianidae) are two very beautiful plumage of birds collectively. Strictly speaking, peacock specifically refers to the peacock, peahen refers to a female, male and female peacocks together peafowl. Peacock is the two species are produced in India and Sri Lanka Blue Peacock (the Peacock India) and ranged from Burma to Java green peacock (the Java peacock.) According to a study in 1913, when the feathers were found in a search, find Congo peacock to 1936 (the Congo and Africa peacock), in fact, was not the Congo peacock peafowl (peacock Genus)
Also known as vulture vulture vulture, Zuo Shandiao, refers to a class of large birds of prey eat carrion. In addition to Antarctica and islands, almost everywhere worldwide distribution.
The dove is a common bird. Widely around the world keeping, pigeon is pigeon-shaped head dove families hundreds of bird species collectively. We usually just say pigeons are the one kind of pigeon, but pigeons. With pigeons and humans have been living for thousands of years of history, archaeologists found the first piece of dove image, from 3000 BC Mesopotamia, now Iraq.
鸵鸟:非洲一种体形巨大、不会飞但奔跑得很快的鸟(鸵鸟) ,特征为脖子长而无毛、头小、脚有二趾。是世界上存活着的最大的鸟。现代鸟类中最大的鸟,高可达3米,颈长,头小,脖子长裸,嘴扁平,翼短小,不能飞,腿长,脚有力,善于行走和奔跑。雌鸟灰褐色,雄鸟的翼和尾部有白色羽毛。
Ostrich: Africa a great shape and will not fly, but fast running bird (ostrich), characterized by a long neck without hair, small head, feet have two toes. Is the world\u0026#39;s largest birds alive. Modern birds, the largest bird, up to 3 meters long neck, small head, long neck bare, flat beak, short wings can not fly, legs, feet, strong, good at walking and running. Female grayish brown, the male has white wing and tail feathers.
Strigiformes Owls are birds in the total of more than 130 species. In all the continents except Antarctica and are distributed. Most of the species are nocturnal predators. Birds head of the large, front-end into the mouth and hook short and stout, the head feathers arranged in the front face plate, some species have ear-like feathers. The distribution of eyes, face plate and the ear tufts to the head of the Birds and cats are very similar, it is commonly known as the owl.